
Facebook Group Invite By Email List

The fact that you have a large email list built over the years means you have customers who trust you/your brand. You want to be careful not to violate that trust. So this is something that has to be handled delicately like a campaign, meaning that you want to manage the invitation from your email list to Facebook Group as a marketing campaign that requires multiple touch and multiple channels of communications. It could require 2 or more communications to accomplish this transition. Remember the goal here is to maintain the trust that you have established with your customers over the years. It could also mean that you will have to be satisfied with 90%-95% of the customers finally like your Facebook page. It is possible that not all your customers on your email list have a Facebook profile. Your customers can only like your Facebook page if they also have a Facebook profile.

1. Invitation via email

Since you already have an email list, I'm also assuming that you have been sending out weekly/monthly newsletters and emails to this list. If so, one of these newsletters or emails should be an exclusive announcement that you have created a Facebook page/group for the brand/business. In the email newsletter, you should also share the reason for the new business/brand Facebook page/group. The layout and design of this invitation should be unique and should get the attention of the audience.

Your email invitation must have a clear call to action. The call to action should be "Like Us on Facebook" and/or "Join Our Facebook Group" and could look something like this.

Fig 1: Email/newsletter invitation to your mailing list


2. Invitation via Facebook

You should also create a "Like Our Facebook Page" campaign on Facebook and then import your email list contacts and invite them to like your page. To run a "Like Our Facebook Page" campaign you need to take the following steps-

Go to Facebook Ad Manager at

Fig 2: Facebook Ad Manager

Or Search on Google for Facebook Ads Manager

Fig 3: Search Google for the Facebook Ads Manager

Once you get the Ad Manager page, start the process of creating a Custom Audience. This is what will allow you to import your email list into Facebook. 3 things to keep in mind-

  • You'll need to set up a Facebook for Business account. As the Facebook page manager, your profile must be connected to the business page.
  • Facebook will only import contacts from your email list with emails of contacts that also match what they have on Facebook. Contacts that either do not have Facebook accounts or emails do not match on Facebook will not be imported. So if you don't see the exact number of contacts as you have in your mailing list, no need to panic, this is the reason.
  • Lastly, Facebook states that it does not retain your custom audience list once your campaign is completed. I think you have access to the list for 90 days on Facebook.

You can also get to the Ads Manager page by clicking from your personal profile. Click on the drop down button then click on "My Business Operations" link as seen on Fig 4 below. You want to get to the "Create Custom Audience" page.

Note: "Create Custom Audience" page is where you can upload your own email/contact list instead of using Facebook friends list.

Fig 4: Navigate to your Business Operations page from your personal profile

Clicking on "My Business Operations" link takes you to the Business Manager page as seen below

Fig 5: Business Manager

Click on the Business Manager to get to the Audience link as seen in Fig 6 below

Fig 6: Look for the Audience link

Clicking on the Audience link takes you into the "Create Custom Audience" page

Fig 7: Create Custom Audience

Once you click on the Create Audience link, you are presented with the option to use your sources (list) or to use Facebook's list. Select "Customer File"

Fig 8: Uploading your email list to Facebook

If you are designated as the Facebook Page/Group manager, you will need to connect your account to the Business Manager page in order to complete the upload

Fig 9: Connect to Business Manager to create the audience


Here's a video tutorial on how to set up Custom Audience of the process.

How To Upload Your Email List To Facebook and Create A Custom Audience

Note: again since you have spent years cultivate your list the trust of your customers, you'll want to manage this campaign well and maintain the hard earned trust of your customers. You may want to run the "Like Our Facebook Page" campaign multiple times. Each time, you will want to remove those contacts that have responded to your call to action and have liked your page. No need to send them repeat message after they've already liked that page. Here's your chance to do some analytics on your Facebook marketing

Good luck-

Facebook Group Invite By Email List


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