Privacy Lost: The Amazing Benefits of the Completely Examined Life
Your iPhone's tracking you. Your game network just relinquished all your personal information. And your mom is posting your potty-education videos connected Facebook. Like many of us, you'Ra laboring under the illusion that privacy matters–that there's such a thing as overmuch (public) information. It's prison term to get over information technology! Soon we'll all accredit the positives of exposing every view of our lives. What a relief it testament be when we've finally discovered everything and have nothing left to hide. Herewith, the likely benefits of our upcoming, privacy-free utopia:
• Amended security, plus entertainment, 24/7: Tune into the drome security system "Grope-cam" communication channel.
• Lose weight through public shaming. Live feed of your personal calorie-uptake monitor. And all of your followers can heckle and haze you between bites.
• Ne'er inquire about the location of your wayward better half once more: All citizens' locations are now tracked on GoogleMaps, via surgically imbedded cell phone/Global Positioning System.
• Reality TV show: Confessional Secret. With America's priest, Ryan Seacrest!
• Enhanced GPS capabilities and labeling bequeath identify you American Samoa being "in the neck of the woods" even when you aren't actually in a posted pic. Great for conjunctive you to drunken parties where you somehow avoided getting captured on film.
• Web-connected sonogram, plus insertable peripheral for in utero tweeting.
• DNA analytic thinking calculates your equiprobable death date. Everyone has a os frontale tattoo: "Best away 2/17/2056"
• Reality Television program: Helium Said/She Said. All marital disputes are broadcast, with outcomes decided by American Idol-style ballot. Bonus: Phone company kicks back a fraction of a cent for for each one future call.
• You too can get over "City manager" of The Red-blooded Lady. Free lap terpsichore with every 30th check-in.
• Made a pile o' hard currency endure yr? No pauperism to tweet your W-2. IRS e-Filings are now public.
• Don't date in the dark: Point your phone at the aim of your interest, and the "Hook-Up Account" app wish display a catalog of the individual's preceding sexual partners. At present with respective color codes for each STD.
• Reality TV display: Deep Drear Analysis. Contestants betroth in intensive psychotherapy sessions with Peril-winning computer Watson. Person who offers the least embarrassing operating room titillating revelations every week gets voted disconnected the show and out of therapy. Home audience participates through special Electroshock button on remotes.
• No one is permitted to wed until having received a rose on national TV.
• Never view a nonrelevant ad once more: Permit advertisers "drop a pixel" in your sensory receptor nerve to see what attracts your eye. "Now companies lie with what I want before I act up!"
• Never write a Facebook status update once again. On-body sensors will capture the information, and transcribe and relay pertinent information automatically. "Those fish tacos did non sit cured with Bull's eye stopping point Night."
• Reality TV show: Flame War Arena. Erst anonymous strangers who have engaged in vitriolic debates in online forums meet for each one other in soul for the early sentence–armed with primitive weapons, in a no-holds-locked cage equalize. Voice actors read transcripts of their posts while a live audience eggs them on. Winning mano a mano proves that the victor was right and the unsuccessful person was wrong.
• Skype in the shower.
• Interpreter-activated "Lie Monitoring device" matches your every command to facts stored in its data database and publicly announces each illustrate of lying. Gimmick is disabled for all politicians and corporate spokespersons.
• TVs have front man-lining cameras that never shut off. You watch them; they watch you.
• Reality Television show: WHO Wants to Stop Existence a Celebrity? Disillusioned B-, C-, and D-list celebs compete to reveal some antecedently unbeknown sordid contingent of their life. Winner cryptically and for good vanishes from the all-encompassing information grid. All of the others stay on celebrities.
See other positive possibilities in our totally exposed rising? Share them in the Comments.
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