Older generations have started recognizing the potential of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in global payment systems, a new survey says.

On January. 21, digital payment platform Wirex released a special study devoted to the topic of cryptocurrency adoption in 2021. Compiled in partnership with the Stellar Development Foundation, the report includes survey results from 3,834 people beyond 89 countries, aiming to understand the latest trends in the global adoption of blockchain-powered digital payments.

The survey was conducted over the form of 3 weeks, with both Wirex and the SDF sending out emails asking for voluntary participation in a survey related to the use of cross-border transactions. Total responses included 81% European residents and 17% participants from the Asia Pacific region.

As function of the report, Wirex and SDF emphasized that age is "no barrier to adopting blockchain technology," discovering that at that place is a sufficient appetite for the benefits of blockchain across all age groups. Nearly 60% of all survey participants were aged 45 or older, with many experimenting with blockchain-powered payments.

Co-ordinate to the survey results, more than than 30% of respondents between the ages of 45 and 54 — the largest survey's age group — were using crypto. The study too constitute that 26% of women aged from 55 to 64 invested in crypto, compared to 14% of men in the same age group.

Source: Wirex

Consumers are more likely to consider digital assets equally an culling to traditional coin transfer services if they send college amounts of upwards to $1,000, the study notes. Additionally, the survey found that 86% of respondents felt safe using cryptocurrency.

Other firms accept also noticed a trend of older generations moving into Bitcoin. In June 2020, British crypto trading app Manner reported that Baby Boomers and Generation-X investors increased their monthly crypto investments past a factor of nine amongst the COVID-nineteen pandemic.